Film Reviews - AvPGalaxy's Own Critics!

Started by Secret Hero, Mar 07, 2008, 07:25:42 PM

Film Reviews - AvPGalaxy's Own Critics! (Read 277,774 times)



It been while since I made a review.

The Dark Knight review

Storyline: 95%

The movie takes place like a year or two after Batman Begins. Batman has begin to take effort to bring order to Gotham, with the help of Lt. James Gordon and newly appointed District Attorney Harvey Dent but there is a new foe called "The Joker" and has a new wave of chaos into the city then it up to Batman to save the day. I don't want to spoil the rest of the movie but I can say that The Dark Knight has a great story and I think Nolan did a great job on making it based on "The Long Halloween" comic.

VFX: 88%

I don't recall any CGI in the movie at all other then the scene where the money burn into fire and a few action scenes but other then that the cinematography is very good as is the editing too. 

Acting: 92%

One of the very few things that makes The Dark Knight awesome and the acting is one of the best things about the movie. Ledger as the Joker was dark, funny and twisted at same time. His version of the Joker is, without a doubt, one of the most terrifying movie villains of all time. The acting in this movie was great as ever and the casting is the same from Batman Begins expect for Katie Homes did not returns but who cares really because she was bad in Batman Begins. None of the drama is boring and the movie was bit long but it was worth it.

SFX - 95%

All the sound effects used in the movie where well done and the sound effect used when The Joker blew up hospital sound great too. Hans Zimmer and James Newton Howard returned to score once again and they did a very well done too since I love the new music added in the movie and it was very well done.

Violence: 15%

There was no blood but their is a scene where Harvey Dent get burn and it might scared a few little kids. There is a scene where a guy gets hit in the eye with a Pen but their nothing to worry about since I would let your kids see this as long they have a adult to watch it with them.

Overall: 90%

One the year best movies and This movie no doubt will win best picture sure. The movie was great and I love everything about it but I did though the first ten minutes where bit dull but it gets better later on in the movie. I was bit disappointed with the ending but I'm not going to spoil the ending though. Sure the hype for the movie was crazy but the movie was worth the wait, and  if you have not seen it then you are missing out because this movie is one the best movies of 2008.

War Wager

QuoteVFX: 88%

I don't recall any CGI in the movie at all other then the scene where the money burn into fire and a few action scenes but other then that the cinematography is very good as is the editing too.

Shows you just how good the CG is. Tumbler reconfiguring and the Batpod bursting out, Batman flying over Hong Kong, Joker falling from building, Two-Face's bad side etc. The scene with the money bonfire wasn't CG at all.



It look like CGI too me. Here is another review.

Hancock Review

Storyline: 76%

The story is about a superhero named "John Hancock" and he lives in Los Angeles but unlike most Superheros, he is a lazy and rude guy that cares about him self and he has cause millions of dollars in property damage from carelessness from his powers.  Hancock has save a person live from a train and the guy is named Ray Emery (Jason Bateman from Dodgeball) and has offer Hancock to come over to his place and he has a mission to change his superhero's image and have the public cheering him.  The story is not too bad, it has a few good ideas but it should have been better like with the character development should have been better too.

VFX: 80%

Some of the visual effects are great and the scenes where Hancock fly looks great. Some of the fight scenes look great too and I feel like some of the Rain scenes look a bit crappy though but the CGI is still great though.

SFX: 64%

Average, some of the music used in the movie where good. Nothing else to say really.

Acting: 72%

Some of the Acting where decent and Charlize Theron (The Italian Job) was good. I do think Will Smith did a great job as a Superhero and he pull it off very well.

Violence: 18%

Nothing really bloody but there a scenes with people getting shot and a scene with Hancock putting a guy inside of his butt. The movie is not really a kids movie but kids at the age of 7 - 14 won't have any problems with the movie.

Overall: 73%

Hancock is good fun to watch and it was a good summer popcorn flick. Will Smith play the Superhero I wanted to see from him in a long time and I like to see him in a comedy again since I like him in roles in a comedy then a serious drama. The first hour and fifteen minutes where great fun and the movie is worth a solid rental.



Another review. Sorry for the double post.

End of Evangelion Review

Storyline: 98%

The story is a theatrical ending of the TV seriesĀ  and I can't really say about it but I will do my best. The story is about the final Angel defeated and Eva pilots think their task is done. But it is soon revealed that all they've been fighting for is a lie when they found out that some corporation wanted to eliminate the Angels so it would be free to carry out the Human Instrumentality Project and ushering in a new level of human existence. The pilots of their 2 remaining Eva's units mentally in no condition to fight and future of humanity lies in 14 year old Shinji's hands. The story is absolutely stunning and mind blowing. I never seen a story so dark and beautiful at the same time and the ending was very well done too.

VFX: 100%

The Animation is very well done and one of the best 2-D animation I seen used in most anime movies. I love the artistic point of the movie has. Everything in the movie has such a beautiful look to it like no other animated movie has.

SFX: 93%

Shiro Sagisu (Bleach) is the composer for the movie and the movie has one the best music used in a animated movie I seen. The movie is differnet used in the Anime series but not a bad thing since the TV show has amazing soundtrack too.

Acting: 88%

Since the movie animated that means their is no really any acting other then people doing the voice acting. I only seen the Bandai/ADV films dub and I can't say anything about the Japanese voice acting since I never saw the movie in Japanese. The American voice acting is well done and one of the few animes in the USA that has great voice acting.

Violence: 82%

The movie is really violent and has a large amount of blood. The scene where Eva unit 2 gets hit in the head is pretty graphic and there is other violent moments in the movie like Eva-01 ripping Bardiel/Eva-03 limb from limb and which is bloody as hell.

Sex/nudity: 20%

I remember a few nudity scenes but nothing else to say. I don't remember any sex in the movie at all.

Overall: 97%

One of the best animated movies I seen and it on my top 10 favorite movies of all time too. The movie is powerfully deep, but also amazing on the physical conflict level as well like no other animated movie. The emotional impact of this movie is amazing and the movie is much like 2001: A Space Oddessy was because the movie has stuff left out where you have to answer it your self. If you never seen this movie or watch the series then check it out now because you won't find a animated movie like this and the series it self is very well done too.

War Wager

Storyline: 77%

Based on the graphic novel by Frank Miller, '300' follows King Leonidos in his attempt to stop the growing power of Persia from engulfing Sparta. Hugely outnumbered, but far more organised, he and his army of 300 Spartans charge their forces.

VFX: 97%

If theres one thing '300' does well, it's looking good. Like 'Sin City' (though not as extreme) this movie has a very stylish, epic look that suits the story brillaintly. The CG is quite good too, done by Hydraluax (the infamous Strause Bros company). The blood looks so great, like straight out of the pages of the novel. It appears from the wound and then completely disappears seconds later.

SFX: 90%

Fantastic score by Tyler Bates. It's a glorious mix of rock, tribal and orchestral, it feels very greek-like. Probably one of the best scores written for a movie. The SFX that go with the action on screen are excellent too.

Acting: 85%

Well casted. Everyone handles their roles great, but particulary Lena Headly (The Sarah Conner Chronicals). I felt she was perfect for her role as the Queen of Sparta and I felt she was the most watchable.

Violence: 63%

Being a war movie, of coarse theres a lot violence. Dismemberments, stabbings, decapitaions; all the basics really. But it's all CG and of coarse intently fake looking, so it's not 'as' violent in that sense. Still pretty brutal none the less.

Overall: 88%

'300' is an exceptional movie. I loved every minute, especially the fight scenes which are all stunning. It's so brillaintly shot and gorgeously violent, you just want to watch it again and again.


^You forgot about sex/nudity - like the prophecy chick, erotic nude dancing and Lena Headey getting naked and giving up her body... hell yes.  :P


Storyline 90%

Awesome as it follows closely the novel..  but there is a deviation with the love story - like it or hate it, it does give a bit more depth to the story and pathos for Dracula.

VFX 92%

All old-style and practical effects - looks very good and the visuals and production are just stunning to look at.  Recreates a sumptious Victorian and gothic atmosphere.  Only let down is some dodgy matte paintings - but it was 1992 after all.

SFX 95%

I don't know who did the music but it's one of those classic orchestral scores that really gets you in the mood and the atmosphere.

Acting 90%

Gary Oldman and Anthony Hopkins are perfect as Dracula and Van Helsing.  Alot of good British actors.  Tom Waits is great Renfield.  And then there's some hot actresses like Sadie Frost and Winona Ryder who are very enjoyable to watch.  Only bad thing is Keanu Reeves who does a bad english accent.

Sex/nudity 97%

No sex but vampirism is kind of a metaphor for sex anyway.  Lots of half naked women writhing about, it's so hot watching gorgeous girls lusting for Dracula.  We have sexy vampire chicks too including Monica Bellucci who is one of the seductive 'Dracula's brides' (that sequence where they have a blood sucking vampire orgy is awesome).  I don't think anyone would mind losing blood to get it on with such hot vampire chicks.  XD  No vampire lesbians unfortunately but oh well.

Violence 90%

Awesome - not much gore but lots of blood and decapitations.  Very violent of course because it's about undead creatures who suck the blood of the living.

Overall 99%

Best Dracula adaptation.  The others are good but they don't have a hyper-stylish and erotic atmosphere like this does.  It's such a classic that you will never forget this movie.  I saw it in 1992 when it was released and I have always watched it when it was on tv.  Only recently when I saw it again and got the dvd did I really start to appreciate it's awesomeness.  It's just one of those classic Victorian gothic tales and Bram Stoker is a genius to weave myth, history, horror, sexuality and modern literature together like that.  But it's his book which is why vampires are so popular and even now they are releasing new vampire movies every single year.  Anyway, this, I have to say is the greatest adaptation of his work (although i know some will disagree with me).



Godzilla: Final Wars Review

Storyline: 48%

The movie takes place in 2010 where Godzilla has been frozen underground for over six years now. Meanwhile they found a old mummy named Gigan where it was sent to destroy the Earth 12,000 years ago, and that a forthcoming battle between good and evil will eventually arrive. Suddenly, a handful of monsters all appear around the world at major cities and the EDF promptly swings into action like The American Godzilla, Rodan, King Ceasar and a few other monsters have arrive to destroy major cites across the city. Then a alien race has arrive on earth and their called the Xilians then reveal themselves, and they are friendly and that they have captured the monsters. They also warn the Earth's governments about impending danger in the form of a meteor. Consequently the Space Nations is established, an alliance that would unite Earth and other planets. But it turns out their evil and they have plans to take over the planet but they made a risky decision and free Godzilla as he is Earth only hope. The story it self is not very good since we have too many Humans moment and the movie takes ideas that we already seen before in the older movies. The movie also rips off action scenes from The Matrix, Infernal Affairs and X-Men which makes the movie more lame.

VFX: 60%

A few of the action scenes in the movie look cool and some of the suits in the movie look great but the CGI for The American Godzilla look like crap and most of the action scenes used in the movie look really stupid as you can see their hands inside of the wall sometimes.

SFX: 35%

The music in the movie was crap and the movie feels like it was used for a Video Game. The music from Akira Ifukube where so much better then what we got.

Acting: 69%

It was not too bad if you ask me then acting most Japanese acting looks and act the same. The American dub voice acting was pretty bad and the scene with the Black Guy in New York City was awful and his acting skills where pretty bad.

Sex/nudity: 0%

I don't recall any Sex or Nudity at all in the movie.

Violence: 5%

Just a few scenes of blood but nothing R rated or anything. All of the Monster violence have no blood and their safe to watch.

Overall: 58%

Better then few of the Godzilla movies that cameout in 1999-2003 but that saying much since the movie has nothing to new offer and the movie was a bad way for Godzilla's 50th anniversary. If you want a good Godzilla movie in the Millennium series then watch Godzilla, Mothra and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack.


Plot 65%

A remake of The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951).  Basically the same, it just updates it a little.  They added one subplot, and it's kind of pointless, and the resolution is a little cheesy.

VFX 75%

The nanobot swarm is the coolest effects sequence in the movie, but everything else is just the same old cgi stuff you've seen in countless other movies.

Gort is cool, but when he arrives I wasn't thinking "f**king awesome, badass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", instead I was thinking "oh, there's Gort, nice cgi, hmmmmm".

SFX 50%

I can't even remember the musical score and the sound FX were nothing special.  Average.

Acting 52%

The two leads are both popular and charismatic people, but they're are not as good acting-wise as the actors in the original movie. 

The little kid is annoying, he doesn't really have a purpose (just some plot device, but the payoff is a little cheesy like I said above). 

There are no real "characters" in this movie as the people are just there to move forward the plot, and that's it.

Violence 0%

I think it would be cooler if they made it R.  Would have more impact.

Overall 50%

It's watchable, but average.  You will only see it once.

The Good

*Klaatu mentions we are only one of a few planets in the Universe able to support life.  I thought that was cool.
*The nanobots eating everything in their path was a cool sequence.
*Gort kept the same design as the original, but he was bigger and meaner.
*"Klaatu barada nikto" (though you only hear it briefly)

The Bad

*It was kind of boring.
*The original was better - it had a better script, better score, better pacing, etc.
*Original Gort seemed more badass to me, even for the 50s, he made a far more spectacular entrance (yes, cgi cannot equal good filmmaking).
*We never got to find out more about the aliens.  That sucked. 
*Micheal Rennie pwns Keanu Reeves (Reeves just acts like a robot)
*Why did we not see inside the spaceship?  Even the original showed us that.
*Plotholes - why do aliens need to kill humans, surely there must be a better solution?  In the original, they wanted to kill us because we'd become a threat to galactic peace because we keep blowing the shit out of eachother (ie Cold War).

I wouldn't waste your money at the cinema.  Rent it on dvd, it's a pretty dull movie.


Plot 62%

It follows the first game of Silent Hill's plot very loosely (although I haven't played the first game so I'm not 100% on that).

The main problem is it starts off very well with her going into the town looking for her daughter, but then all these nutty religious people enter into it which I didn't like so much.  I really wish she was just alone and there were only a few people she encountered because that is what Silent Hill is to me.

VFX 100%

Visuals are fantastic and very true to Silent Hill.  Sets look great, cgi looks great, makeup, costumes, cinematography, everything looks awesome.

SFX 100%

They got the actual composer from the Silent Hill games (forget his name).  VERY SMART MOVE.

Acting 68%

Radha Mitchell was good, I didn't really care much for anyone else. 

Violence 98%

Sweet.  You get some nice gore in this one.  People getting their skin ripped off, mutilated corpses, people getting ripped to shreds.  It's hardcore R-rated, it's the shit.

Overall 74%

Mostly I liked it but it has alot of flaws that become more apparent each time you view the film.


Plot 100%

Basically it's about 3 central characters, Leon who is hitman who lives alone.  Mathilda, a 12 year old girl living in a horrible family situation and Stansfield who is a psychotic, corrupt DEA cop.

The film centres on the relationship between Leon and Mathilda, after the latter's family gets killed by Stansfield and his cronies.

The plot moves along beautifully, as it explores these characters.  It is kind of a poetic film in many ways. 

VFX 100%

This film just looks awesome despite being shot in 1994.  Every print I have seen is crisp and clear looking.  The visuals have realism to them, probably from being shot mostly at daytime, and it really gives a great sense of New York.  The cinematography is flawless, every shot is perfect.  Editing is great and perfectly paces the film.

SFX 100%

Eric Serra is an awesome composer and he can do it all - tense action music, emotional music, etc.  It kind of has a french feel to it which makes it unique from other action scores.

Acting 100%

Jean Reno - a great actor, he really underplays the role which I liked. 
Natalie Portman - really amazing how good she was considering she was only 12 years old.
Gary Oldman - holy...... greatest villain ever.


It has great action scenes that are just badass.  No gore though for you gore-hounds.

Overall 100%

I can't find any flaws in this film.  The director's cut is even better - the extended international version.  I've seen this movie dozens I've times and it's great every time.


^ It has a great soundtrack too. I mean I don't like Bjork, but Venus As A Boy suits the films so well. Also Sting's Shape Of My Heart is one of my favourite songs too.

I've never seen the extended versions because they've never been released over here (criminally) and I haven't got a multi region DVD player either. :-\


I liked the Bjork songs, actually.  Forgot about those.  The other songs were great too.


Plot: 78%

The story begins with an environmentalist group protesting in a forest against a corporation. The corporation has Lumberjacks at work at the same time as a science team, who are working on an unknown serum. Despite being told not to cut down the serum injected trees, a lumberjack does it anyways and winds up cutting himself on the upper chest near his neck with the chainsaw. Some time after the head of the corporation sends his son to find out what's going on after a while of not hearing from the lumberjacks. it is revealed that somehow the serum has turned people into zombies, when it's supposed to help trees grow back, and the surviving scientists, lumberjacks, and hippies must team up to stay alive. The plot takes a few twists and  turns when one guy goes basically insane and they run into another group of people around the end.

VFX: 75%

The visuals are decent. While the violence scenes are done well, the major flaw with the visuals is that the zombies are yellow. I kid you not, yellow.

SFX: 80%

Good sound effects overall, and some decent music. The zombies could have sounded better but they aren't as bad as some movies.

Acting: 78%

Like most movies of this genre, the acting could use some work. Some of the characters are rather boring and stale, while others are actually pretty cool. Unfortunately the cool ones die off leaving the assholes and the over dramatic lady.

Violence: 88%

This movie had good violence scenes. The most gruesome was probably when the zombie got put in the wood cutter and the protagonist got sprayed with blood.

Overall: 70%

The movie itself isn't bad, but it could have used some work and a revised script. The ending 10 minutes or so felt really rushed, like they just got tired and said "f**k it" let's just finish this. Also, the zombies could have done without being yellow. It's worth a watch but it wont be leaving a major impact on the horror genre.



Gran Torino Review

Plot: 72%

The story is about Walt Kowalski (Clint Eastwood), a Korean war veteran that lives in a changing Detroit neighborhood where it full of gang crime and a group of immigrants moves next door to him just after his wife died, he pretty much hates everyone and refers them as "gooks" and "barbarians". Walt in the movie meets a boy named Tao that is under pressure from his gang member cousin and tries to steal his Gran Torino (Which is a 1972 car) but Tao runs away then his cousin comes to his house that is about to kill him until he saves his life and the life of Tao's family, now he must protect them from the gangs that infest their neighborhood and leans how to get along with the people that dislike the most but becomes to like them later on. The story is very good, it was like American History X meets Death Wise but the story is surprisingly humorous and sad at sametime. The movie just cameout and I don't want to give out any info other that.

VFX: 3%

Well it a Drama and their is no CGI or anything like that but some of the gun scenes in the movie look cool. Nothing else to say really.

SFX: 65%

The sound in the movie was good, the sound audio was nice and the way that the bullets sound good. The movie had some rap and rock music played during the Gang fight scenes but none of it was good. The music at the end of the credits was good though.

Acting: 75%

Clint Eastwood was awesome and it been while since we saw him as bad ass because he has not been acting in roles like this then he used too, and he has been directing movies then starting in them. The other actors where good expect a few of the gang members in the movie where I feel like their acting was bad at most parts.

Violence: 10%

Nothing really bloody at all and their are a few scenes of blood in the movie like when a person got shot, and Walt Kowalski cough out some blood. The movie would have been PG-13 if it was not for the bad language in the movie.

Overall: 80%

This movie was awesome and it was a nice way to start off 2009 with a kick ass movie since movies at the beginning of the year are crap expect for last year with movies such as Cloverfield and Rambo. This was the movie that I wanted to Clint Eastwood play as for a long time now because I wanted to see him as a bad ass like he was back in the 60's and 70's. Everything about the movie was great but I wish they added a few more action scenes and the ending was a good suprise though (I'm not telling since I will spoil the movie for everyone  ;)). This movie was very good drama and if you think that this movie is a action movie then you are going to be disappointed because this is not a action movie and don't think Clint Eastwood is going to become a Rambo or Dirty Harry type of a person. This movie is a full price movie and you should see it now if you get the chance.

Coming soon: The Spirit review

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