Jurassic Park Series

Started by War Wager, Mar 25, 2007, 10:10:16 PM

Jurassic Park Series (Read 1,372,905 times)



Nah. Mad Max is the real deal. But sure it's inevitably going to incur some small backlash as most widely appreciated films do.



Worldwide its made 511 million in it's first four days and that's not even including Sunday's take from the U.S I think. JP3 made only 368 million during its entire run! I think they will cast Pratt as Indiana Jones now.



Quote from: TheBATMAN on Jun 14, 2015, 09:57:46 PM
Quote from: frenchfries on Jun 14, 2015, 09:20:16 PM
Quote from: TheBATMAN on Jun 14, 2015, 08:04:12 PM
Why is it such a surprise? Kids will love it, Chris Pratt is the latest thing and it's mindless, mindless fun. It was always going to be successful.

But at its core it is a very, very average movie. Lacks any kind of soul. Forgettable characters too.
woah thats too far. i thought it had plenty soul.


There's no soul because the characters are all flat as a pancake. You know before the movie starts exactly who will live and who will die, hence why it was pointless to put so much emphasis on the two kids, neither of which had half a personality between them.

The same with the adults. There's no development with any of them. I couldn't have cared less what happens to any of them, and therefore there's no reason to care about what happens in the film as a whole.

The  dinosaurs too. Impressive as the CGI and effects are, they just don't look real. Case in point is the t-Rex itself. How is that acceptable when literally the same creature looks more realistic in an incarnation from 22 years ago?

Don't get me wrong. I can see this film will be a huge success, make a shit-ton of money and break all kinds of records, it's easy to see why. But there's no hiding the fact that deep down it's a poor movie. The script is all over the place, and when the script isn't right, no amounts of limitless budget and impressive effects can hide that. - Look at Prometheus.
It has its flaw sure, all movies do. And i'll agree that the effects need more work in some of daylight scenes, but the original jp also had shoddy effects in some scenes. But the movie having no soul is your opinion and in my opinion i can see plenty of soul. Colin is a big fan of the series and it shows. claire and the older child have character arcs and most of the characters had alot of personilty (masarani and owen)



I think one thing that made me like the film more than a lot of other people was there were a few scenes that reminded me of the Alien and Predator series.

The two scenes with the soldiers POV and people back at HQ watching them get killed and their flat lines reminded me of Aliens and Predator 2 which had very similar scenes. The I-Rex changing colour reminded me of the original Predator, when the kids jumped in the river and then got into the mud I actually thought they were going to use it to hide from the I-Rex as its vision was based on seeing thermal images just like Arnie in the original Predator. Also the Company was just like WY in the Alien series wanting to weaponise the Raptors.

Also here's a really dumb question I post Youtube  videos to my Facebook all the time and its really easy how do you do it here?



Quote from: HappyAlien on Jun 15, 2015, 02:26:29 AM
I think one thing that made me like the film more than a lot of other people was there were a few scenes that reminded me of the Alien and Predator series.

The two scenes with the soldiers POV and people back at HQ watching them get killed and their flat lines reminded me of Aliens and Predator 2 which had very similar scenes. The I-Rex changing colour reminded me of the original Predator, when the kids jumped in the river and then got into the mud I actually thought they were going to use it to hide from the I-Rex as its vision was based on seeing thermal images just like Arnie in the original Predator. Also the Company was just like WY in the Alien series wanting to weaponise the Raptors.

Also here's a really dumb question I post Youtube  videos to my Facebook all the time and its really easy how do you do it here?
Just post the video link, no need for bbcode but use http and not https.



I thought it was pretty good overall with a few misteps(show me a movie without some please). I liked Pratt and Howard. She grew over the course of the movie and made her own mark IMO, so all the sexist stuff is overblown. I thought the movie had a lot of heart too. I really felt bad for at least one minor character because that actor had me convinced he was scared shitless. CGI was meh several times but I tend to overlook that stuff unless it's extremely bad. I've already given myself over to suspension of disbelief. I thought Blue, Rexy and I.Rex made total sense. The kids didn't drift into annoying territory for me and I was able to connect with some choices they made since I was an adventurous teenager myself. Vincent's character was well played, but could have used a little better writing. Also Dr. Wu(B.D. Wong was exceptional) explained the point of contention about the dinosaurs appearances rather explicitly. It doesn't really matter whether people thinks it still matters, Wu(and the filmakers) put it to bed. It's their vision. Universal Pictures doesn't have some obligation to show the world feathered dinosaurs. They only have to try to entertain.

T. Rex is supposed to look different according to a few interviews I read this past week. T. Rex has aged and the way they described the look was exactly like another forum member noticed as looking different(I think it was Omegazilla). As for the other dinosaurs, I would assume they gave the artists a certain set of boundaries and let them play around inside that. You know, expression and all that important artistic stuff  ;)  Everything doesn't have to look exactly the same in each flick, especially when it's 22 years after the first one.

I thought it hit one of the hallmarks of sci-fi also. If you go back to the quote from JP about the scientist not questioning if they should and the conversation about the flea circus and illusions, I think Jurassic World really nailed it with showing exactly what the consequences of unfettered genetic manipulation and total faith in technology(trackers, thermal imaging, the response team, Wu) can be on a large scale. The question is how far is too far? At what point do we take a step back and say "Hey this can turn bad really fast, so let's dial it back." I think JW matched the tone of JP here, even if it faltered somewhat on the awe and grandeur of seeing these creatures on screen(which is the curse of being the third sequel in the CGI age).

It touched heavily on respect for nature with Pratt and Howard and D'onofrio also.


JP 9.9/10
LW 8/10
JPIII 7/10



Quote from: xeno-kaname on Jun 14, 2015, 10:37:48 PM
Quote from: szkoki on Jun 14, 2015, 05:00:04 PM
Quote from: Dovahkiin on Jun 14, 2015, 02:12:58 PM
I'm sick of people saying dumb shit like "It wasn't a Jurassic Park movie" like their opinion matters so much more than anyone else's.

It had awesome action, some brutal dinosaur kills and some damn suspenseful moments.

This is a Jurassic Park movie in every way to me and I don't give a damn what anyone says.

those are harsh words mate. i watched it again today, i say the first 40-50 minutes are chilling and awesome, and after the I-Rex escape what happens with the ACU and all the weaponize stuff, civil person
Masrani the boss, sure
going to the battle smiling like a badass C movie character, uninstresting side characters,
T-rex  waiting in the door of his gigantic padock all day to come out to fight(?), talking dinos, throwing every dino in one scene for the final, also the Mosasaur is happened to be in the exact same spot where the dino fight is, and yeah he is eating for the 4th time on that day
...its just ridicilous, like the writers, producer, director only had 10 minutes to come up with a story and they were all drunk while writing it down. altough in the first 50 minutes there are also weird shit going on, already the weaponizing of dinos, plus the older kid. is he gay or is he just a duchebag or i dunno what was that girl starings all about, also  in the beginning her girlfriend say "i love you" and he says just "bye". it was weird man, why would you put this in your movie at all if you never exploit it?

still cant rate i above 5/10 personally, i rather watch Lost World and JP3 as sequels with all the dumb and unintresting characters in them than this madness

btw keep up doing your gameplay vids :)

Man none of those things are hard to explain.

T Rex was probably awake and chilling, with all the chaos it probably hears and feels. The door starts unlocking very loudly. Why wouldn't it go see what the noise is?

Talking dinos? Is this new or something?

Although the teamup is admittedly a bit ridiculous, what's wrong with having all these dinosaurs there? I mean it made sense. The pieces were set up.

The Mosasaur obviously can hear and/or feel all the commotion going on right next to it's enclosure. And I get the feeling that it just wants to hunt. Notnecessarily eat. And it saw it's opportunity. Not hard to believe at all.

just talking about one part, wouldnt be much better...

if Clair - well already would broke her heels off - would stand in the opened door with a flair, also that control room guy would triggered an automatic flair, shooting up into the sky, so the rex could see it from distance where he has to go, then Clair would scream with the flair in her hand...than suddenly you would hear the famous rex roar and Clair already would started to run, then the rex would appeared from the trees and not like an old guy but much fearsome like in the first movie......or it could go down like this if they were hinting that the rex is nervous all day since the i-rex broke out and went south, probably she can smell her....i mean damn, so many easy little touches could make this movie a solid 7-8/10

about the talking, the interspieces talking what bothers me, rex & raptors, it indicates since its the same rex that they were talking in the first movie too...i mean they were introduced there as simple realistic animals, not planet of the ape monster dinos



I know a lot of people enjoyed this, and I really did go in with an open mind but I walked out with so many complaints I can't even be bothered to list them. The next time Colin decides to pour his heart and soul into something I hope it's down the toilet.



This film's grown on me. I went and saw it again today and enjoyed it much more.

I think although paying homage to the first film in so many ways, at the same time disrespected it and for people who feel this way it's hard to look past that. The first film and even the other sequels were all grounded, restricting themselves to the believable if impossible science of bringing dinosaurs to life. Now they're just making a fantastical over the top film about a hybrid monster with mutant powers, soldier raptors and dino royal rumbles etc That's ok to me. This film's not perfect, I never thought it would be so I've accepted it as what it is... a ridiculous, over the top load of fun.

The poor film making was still present. Some things just didn't make sense and could have been executed much better but I can overlook that in the name of enjoying the fun it provides. An example

The way D'onofrio goes out... it didn't sit well with me. It could have been executed better. Same as the T rex arrival

Quote from: szkoki on Jun 15, 2015, 09:00:25 AM
just talking about one part, wouldnt be much better...

if Clair - well already would broke her heels off - would stand in the opened door with a flair, also that control room guy would triggered an automatic flair, shooting up into the sky, so the rex could see it from distance where he has to go, then Clair would scream with the flair in her hand...than suddenly you would hear the famous rex roar and Clair already would started to run, then the rex would appeared from the trees and not like an old guy but much fearsome like in the first movie......or it could go down like this if they were hinting that the rex is nervous all day since the i-rex broke out and went south, probably she can smell her....i mean damn, so many easy little touches could make this movie a solid 7-8/10

about the talking, the interspieces talking what bothers me, rex & raptors, it indicates since its the same rex that they were talking in the first movie too...i mean they were introduced there as simple realistic animals, not planet of the ape monster dinos

Better yet...

leave the t rex reveal for the imagination, BDH still opens the gate for the rex, standing there holding the flare, but nothing more is shown after that, never see the t rex at all until the last possible moment, it's only heard, maybe shadows etc... vibrations of footsteps, (like in spider man 2 when dr octpus attacks peter and mj at the diner,) cut back to the I Rex trying to get at the 3 survivors, nek minit it gets hit with a thrown flare... wide shot from a low angle of I rex as it turns around as...

although that sounds a little too much like godzilla 2014 doesn't it? screw it the end was basically a godzilla fight lol



no its sounds cooler than my idea

and have Clair faith remain unclear until the very end of the movie/after the battle, if she died or not letting out Rexy. see we could come up 2 much better ideas in 24 hours than the film did in months or so

so do you guys think the I-rex

died in the end or is she talked herself out in that situation with the Mosasaurus. maybe she just let herself get captured to make  a bigger impact in the 5th movie. or she comes back riding the Mosasaurus in the Sand Diego bay

im a bit dissapointed not to see enough animatronics aswell in the movie, i can count on one hand how many times they included it



I think my favourite scene was Wu butting heads with Masrani. I won't spoil what the conversation was about for those of you who haven't seen the film yet, but just know that the dialogue is fantastic and both actors work off of each other tremendously well.



Quote from: DoomRulz on Jun 15, 2015, 12:35:15 PM
I think my favourite scene was Wu butting heads with Masrani.

It's a scene taken from the original novel.




Yeah I quite liked that scene too. Felt a bit weird seeing Wu as a sort of bad guy after his chirpy, smiley persona in the first film but it worked. Not that they would have used anything from the Telltale game intentionally but it actually fit with some of the things Dr Sorkin had in her Journal about Wu.



Quote from: Alien³ on Jun 15, 2015, 01:06:41 PM
Quote from: DoomRulz on Jun 15, 2015, 12:35:15 PM
I think my favourite scene was Wu butting heads with Masrani.

It's a scene taken from the original novel.


Oh I know. It was well-done. As for Wu being the bad guy, I disagree. Like he said, he was only doing what needed to be done. Masrani wanted something new and that's exactly what he received.



Nah I didnt mean literally a bad guy. Thats why I said "sort of". He just doesnt seem to have a moral compass. Goes back to what Malcolm said in the first film about not stopping to think if you should. Also because hes kinda taking orders from Vic it kinda makes him look more villanous.
I read a review that said he hated how Wu was the bad guy plotting with Vic to cause an incident in order to have an excuse to weaponize the raptors. I don't know what film he watched because that doesnt ever happen. Sure Vic does appear to be a bit smug with the situation and does indeed use it as an opportunity but they definately did not plan this or set it in motion unless I missed some major bit of dialogue somewhere?

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